Expanding Masonic

Philanthropy Throughout the State of Iowa

$3.9+ Million

Provided in scholarships to support education.


Provided to Iowa families in need.

Our Charities …

Iowa Scholarship Endowment Fund.

This Fund awards College Scholarships to Senior applicants from Iowa Public High Schools. In 2023, the Scholarship Selection Committee considered 315 completed applications to select 25 finalists for interviews. From those interviewed, fifteen outstanding students were chosen to receive $5,000 scholarships, and the other ten received $2,500 scholarships. Since the program was initially funded in 1970, a total of 2,590 scholarships amounting to $3,923,400 have been awarded.

Field Financial Aid.

This fund awards Grants to Iowa families in need through an application process. Individual Iowa Lodges have access to this fund by applying to the Grand Charity Board, providing an explanation of the need and any necessary supporting documents. Although it is not required, in most situations, the Lodge also provides a matching donation to the same cause. Examples of recent requests include funding for wheelchair ramps at the homes of the elderly or infirm, Clothe-a-Child programs, the “Shop With A Cop” Holiday Gift Drive, support for a worthy Brother who is suffering or in need, and general contributions to charitable endeavors in the local community. Over the last ten years, 94 grants totaling $211,377 have been awarded.

Library & Museum Building Endowment Fund.

This Fund was established to create a permanent endowment designed to provide financial support for building upgrades and infrastructure needs of the Iowa Masonic Library & Museum, including such things as lighting improvements, heating and cooling repair, tuck-pointing, plumbing, and fixtures.

Iowa Masonic Library Association.

This Association established a Fund to help finance special operational projects of the Iowa Masonic Library & Museum. The Association annually supports a portion, if not all of the Assistant Librarian's salary, and recent funding priorities also include major digitization projects for the Library collection, and the purchase of significant hardware and software for Library & Museum operations.

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